Consultant in Orthopaedic Surgery
- EBVS® European Specialist in Small Animal Surgery
- RCVS Specialist in Small Animal Surgery (Orthopaedics)
- BVSc
- MSc PhD
Darren graduated with distinction from the University of Bristol in 2009. He worked in both large and small animal practices for three years, before returning to the University of Bristol to undertake a rotating small animal internship.
Darren subsequently worked as a demonstrator in veterinary anatomy whilst completing a PhD in spinal cord injury. He completed his ECVS residency in small animal surgery at the University of Bristol in 2020.
Darren joined the referral team at Highcroft Veterinary Referrals in 2020 and became a European Specialist in Small Animal Surgery in 2021.
Darren is interested in all aspects of orthopaedic surgery and he is always happy to talk to referring vets about any of their orthopaedic cases.
Publications and research:
- Prager, J. Ito, D. Carwardine, D. Jiju, P. Chari, D. Granger, N. Wong, LF. Delivery of chondroitinase by canine mucosal olfactory ensheathing cells alongside rehabilitation enhances recovery after spinal cord injury. Experimental Neurology. June 2021.
- Carwardine, D. Burton, N. Knowles, T. Barthelemy, N. Parsons, K. Outcomes, complications and risk factors following fluoroscopically guided transcondylar screw placement for humeral intracondylar fissure. Journal of Small Animal Practice. April 2021.
- Banks, C. Meeson, R. Kulendra, E. Carwardine, D. Mielke, B. Pead, M. Phillips, H. Phillips, A. Establishment of normal mechanical tibial joint angles in Dachshunds. Veterinary Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology. 2021; 34:234-240.
- Nutt, A. Knowles, T. Nutt, N. Murrell, J. Carwardine, D. Meakin, L. Chanoit, G. Influence of muscle-sparing lateral thoracotomy on postoperative pain and lameness – a randomized clinical trial. Veterinary Surgery. 2021; 50:1227-1236.
- Carwardine, D. Gosling, M. Burton, N. O’Malley, F. Parsons, K. Three-dimensional-printed patient-specific osteotomy guides, repositioning guides and titanium plates for acute correction of antebrachial limb deformities in dogs. Veterinary Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology. January 2021.
- Carwardine, D. Langley-Hobbs, S. Feline shoulder luxation: a cadaveric study of injury and repair using ligament prostheses. Journal of Small Animal Practice. August 2019.
- Ito, D. Carwardine, D. Prager, J. Fong-Wong, L. Kitagawa, M. Jeffery, N. Granger, N. Methods of olfactory ensheathing cell harvesting from the olfactory mucosa in dogs. PLoS ONE. March 2019.
- Adams, C.F. Delaney, A.M. Carwardine, D. Tickle, J. Granger, N. Chari, D.M. Nanoparticle-based imaging of clinical transplant populations encapsulated in protective polymer matrices. Macromolecular Bioscience. February 2019.
- Carwardine, D. Prager, J. Neeves, J. Muir, E. Uney, J. Granger, N. Wong, L-F. Transplantation of canine olfactory ensheathing cells producing chondroitinase ABC promotes chondroitin sulphate proteoglycan digestion and axonal sprouting following spinal cord injury. PLoS ONE. December 2017.
- Delisser, P. Carwardine, D. Student perceptions of sectional CT/MRI use in teaching veterinary anatomy and the correlation with visual spatial ability: A student survey and mental rotations test. Journal of Veterinary Medical Eduction. November 2017.
- Delaney, A. Adams, C. Fernandes, A. al-Shakli, A. Sen, J. Carwardine, D. Granger, N. Chari, D. A fusion of minicircle DNA and nanoparticle delivery technologies facilitates therapeutic genetic engineering of autologous canine olfactory mucosalcells. Nanoscale. June 2017.
- Carwardine, D. Rose, J. Harcourt-Brown, TR. Granger, N. Effectiveness of manual bladder expression in paraplegic dogs. American Journal of Veterinary Research. Vol 78. January 2017.
- Carwardine, D. Wong, L-F. Fawcett, J. Muir, E. Granger, N. Canine olfactory ensheathing cells from the olfactory mucosa can be engineered to produce active chondroitinase ABC. Journal of the Neurological Sciences. Vol 367. June 2016.
- Granger, N. and Carwardine, D. Acute Spinal Cord Injury: Tetraplegia and Paraplegia in Small Animals. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice 44.6 (2014): 1131-1156. November 2014.
- Carwardine, D. Granger, N. Non-infectious inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system in dogs. UK Vet Companion. Vol 18 No 10. December 2013.
- Carwardine, D. Friend, E. Bowlt, K. UK owner preferences for treatment of feline injection site sarcomas. Journal of Small Animal Practice. December 2013